Nominations and Leadership Identification Committee
Kendra O'Berry
Contact info:
Symposium Planning Committee
Dr. Aubrey Sejuit & Liz Robinson
The SCNASW Symposium planning committee takes a one month breather after each year’s symposium before rolling up their sleeves and starting to work on the following year. We start off by debriefing about what went well, what was challenging and what opportunities we have to improve for next year. We pay close attention to the evaluations that are submitted and make decisions based on members’ feedback. Our focus for each year is quality presenters, relevant topics and keeping the cost reasonable for our members. A couple of years ago we implemented early bird pricing, which proved to be a win-win: members got a year’s worth of social CEUs for a bargain and the volume that the pricing resulted in was a boon to the Chapter in terms of revenue. As chair I ask each symposium member to do three things:
Attend in person or via phone, the majority of symposium planning meetings (typically about 15-18 in a year)
- Attend the symposium itself and work part of the time (moderating, manning sales booth)
- Bring in at least one quality presenter
- Do work as needed outside the meetings
- Make a solid effort to solicit sponsors
Government Affairs Committee
Kendra O'Berry
Committee Participants undertake the advocacy work of NASW-SC. Participants identify constituents of key decision makers, inform constituents of current policy issues (via one-on-one and local communication), educate membership on how to undertake direct advocacy (via newsletter, emails, one-on-one), communicate directly with legislators/policy makers, write opinion/position statements to reflect the decisions of the Committee, and identify local allied lobbying/advocacy groups.
Participation is open to any interested NASW-SC member. Ideally, Participants should be representative of all geographic regions of the Membership.