2024 NASW-SC Policy Agenda
The committee is organizing advocacy around the following items:
The Social Work Compact: This year (2024) we will be pushing extremely hard to get these bills passed and signed into law this year S.0778 and H.4365. We are asking everyone to please contact your legislators and ask them to vote YES on this/these bills!
Healthcare Market Reform Study Committee Joint Resolution S.855
The Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes Act. H.3014
Prostitution, Sex Buyer Penalties Bill S.145
Homeless Youth Definition S.342
Safe Harbor for Exploited Minors S.142
NASW-SC Strongly Opposes the following bills:
Entrepreneur Act H.3515
Constitutional Carry Bill H.3594
Prescriptions for Minors S.882
Gender Reassignment Procedures H.4624